Auringon lasku |
It is our last weeks in CG. On Friday, we´ll jump into the night bus to Salvador and saturday holidays in Rio de Janeiro can start! Here I come Caipirinhas and string bikinies! On the other hand it´s really sad to leave from CG because everything has just started to roll, we got to know new people and made friends and there would be so many things and ideas to do if we had more time. It´s surprising how much time it took to get used to this life here, get to know this place, the city and its people. I noticed this when I wrote the aec-tea final evaluation. After this months you notice what could be done, improved.... More over it´s annoying that I don´t have enought time to learn to speak Portuguese even close to fluent.
Jonnan leikkitunti |
Viime viikot on kulunut opettaessa englantia, pelaillessa PET-Illa ja oppilaiden seka uusien ystavien kanssa hengaillessa.
Last weeks I have been teaching English, playing with PET-I kids and hanging out with our students and new friends.
Englannin tunneilla on valmistauduttu ensimmaisiin testeihin ja kertailtu jo opittuja asioita. PET-Illa ollaan voimistelun lisaksi pelattu larvapalloa, Andy on kaynyt pelailemassa jalkapalloa ja koripalloa ja Jonna vetanyt leikkeja.
English classes have been reviewing and preparing for the first test. At PET-I I have had some gymnastics and we have played larvaball, Andy has been playing soccer and basketball and Jonna pulled out some games.
Ollaan peilia! |
Haarahippaa |
Larvapalloa (Larvaball) |
Nakit ja muusi |
Meidan oppilaat ja ystavat kyselee meita koko ajan joka paikkaan. Viikolla kaydaan açailla, lauantaina pelattiin painballia ja sunnuntaina grilailtiin. Viime lauantaina paatettiinkin pyytaa vuorostamme ystavat aec-tealle syomaan ja istumaan iltaa. Tehtiin Jonnan kans perus nakit ja muusi porkkanoilla ja hyvaa oli. Hassua miten niin tavallinen ruoka voi taalla maistua niiiin hyvalle! Tuli kotoisa olo.:)
Our students and friends are always asking us to join them to dinner or something. Sometime we go to eat açai, this Saturday I went to play painball and on sunday we were invited for a barbeque. Last Saturday, we decided to ask friends to eat at aec-tea in turn. Me and Jonna made the basic Finnish dish with sausage gravy, mashed potatoes and carrots. It's funny how so ordinary food can taste soooo good here! I felt like I´m home. :)
Lauantaina kokeilinkin ekaa kertaa paintballia ja mustelmiahan siina tuli. Onnistuin kuitenkin kostaa ja sain kaks osumaan suoraa linssiin!
On Saturday, I tried for the first time in my life to play paintball. I got brused. I managed to get two headshots in turn though!
Adeilden farmilla |
rice and beans, rice and beans.... |
On Sunday, Andy´s student invited us to the barbeque at her farm. We had nice relaxed day just hanging, talking and eating.
Mutta aina on muutama ikava asiakin. Honey Baby ei sitten koskaan saanutkaan poikasia. Vietiin se Hesterin ja Erikin kanssa elainlaakariin eilen ja laakari totes poikasten kuolleen. Nyt koitetaan mettastaa sita pitkin pihaa joka paiva et saatais annettua sille laake, jonka pitais auttaa Honey Babya synnyttamaan kuolleet poikaset.... surullista.:(
But there are always a few tedious things. Honey Baby did never got her baby cats. We took her to vet with Hester and Erik and the doctor told that the babies are dead. Now we have to give her medicine to let the babies out which is going to be horrible..... sad.: (
Ja kaikkein surullisinta on, etta tata jengia tulee niin ikava..... Meilla on ollu niin hauskaa!
But the saddest part is to leave this group.... We have had so much fun together!
AEC-TEA gang |
...and avocados that we could just pick from the patio. Nothing is as good as tea and bread with avocado as an evening snack. Oh, I will miss the hammock too! Fortunately, I bought one of my own to bring with me home to Finland. Maybe next summer has a few warm days, that I can hang on it.