Mellow sunday and time to share thoughts. Sometimes this days are lovely. AEC-TEA is quiet and we don´t have any plans for the day. Otherwise, there is people coming all the time, either for the work or just to hang. So there is not much peace in this house. Also in the city there seems to be always someone you know or someone who knows you but you don´t know them and they want to talk with you. General topic of discussion is usually our "Americano", Andy. Women throughout the city has fallen in love with Andy's blue eyes, which we think is the funniest thing! Because everybody wants to talk about him with in stores, etc. It is also fun to see how suddenly the word is spreading in this city. Everybody knows who we are, what we did last weekend etc. So, no privacy in this city. But I think I will miss that somehow in Finland where people doesn´t sometimes even say hey if they don´t feel like...
Itaitu |
Viikko sitten me lahdettiin koko AEC-TEA porukan kanssa vesiputoukselle (Véu das noivas) Itaituun. Itaitun kyla sijaitsee vahan ennen Jacobinaa vuorien juurella. Tykkaan todella paljon Brasilialaisista varikkaista taloista, takorauta porteista ja pienista istutuksista.
A week ago everybody from the AEC-TEA family left to the waterfall (Véu das noivas) at Itaitu. Itaitu village is located before Jacobina close by the mountains. The houses in Itaitu were typical Bahian. I like a lot of Brazilians colored houses, wrought iron gates and small plantings by the doors.
Itaitu |
Maisemat oli aivan mahtavat ja itse vesiputous todella kaunis. Bussilla paastiin aika lahelle, mutta loppumatka taitettiin jalan metsan halki.
Landscapes were just awesome and waterfall itself was beautiful. We got pretty close by bus, but the rest of the way we had to walk through the forest.
Véu das Noivas |
Maisema vesiputouksen paalta |
Kiipeiltiin myos vesiputouksen paalle jyrkkaa makea ylos. Maen paalla meita tuli vastaan lehmia(?). Maen paalla oli ihana rentoutua ja katsella maisemia pienessa altaassa, joka oon muodostunut jyrkanteelle ennen kuin vesi syoksyy alas. Alas kavutessamme olin varma, etta joku taittaa jalkansa, koska maki oli niin jyrkka. Musta tuntuu et tata lahemmas Amazonia en talla retkella paase, mut entista enemman unelmoi, etta sinnekkin viela joku paiva paasisi kaymaan.
We also climbed up to the top of the waterfall. On the top was the perfect spot to relax and watch the landscape while laying in a small pond, which have been formed before the water falls down. When we climbed down, I was so sure that someone will broke his leg because the hill was so steep. I think this is the closest I can get to the Amazon. Now I dream even more about going there but I know I won´t have the time during this trip. Maybe next time.
Kaksi viikoa sitten menimme Jailman ja Cleitonin kanssa rentoutumaan vesipuistoon Jacobinaan. Oli tosi rentouttavaa irtautua Capim Grossosta hetkeksi ja vain rentoutua uima-altaalla ja uida.
Two weeks ago we went to Fiesta Park in Jacobina with Jailma and Cleiton. It was really a relaxing break away from Capim Grosso.
Matka Jacobinasta takaisin Capim Grossoon taitettiin Cleitonin lava-auton kyydissa. Oli mahtavaa katsella maisemia ja auringon laskua auton lavalla. Ihanaa nauttia tasta Hang loose- asenteesta.
We got a ride back to Capim Grosso on behind of Cleiton´s pick-up truck. It was great to enjoy the landscapes and the sunset behind the truck. I will miss this Hang loose- attitude!
Fiesta Park |
Cleiton & Hester |
Two weeks ago we went to Fiesta Park in Jacobina with Jailma and Cleiton. It was really a relaxing break away from Capim Grosso.
Matka Jacobinasta takaisin Capim Grossoon taitettiin Cleitonin lava-auton kyydissa. Oli mahtavaa katsella maisemia ja auringon laskua auton lavalla. Ihanaa nauttia tasta Hang loose- asenteesta.
We got a ride back to Capim Grosso on behind of Cleiton´s pick-up truck. It was great to enjoy the landscapes and the sunset behind the truck. I will miss this Hang loose- attitude!
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